Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

Jasa dan layanan Aqiqah Qurban Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Ciputat, Sawangan, Bintaro, Bsd Serpong

Kami melayani Jasa dan layanan Aqiqah Qurban Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok, Ciputat, Sawangan, Bintaro, Bsd Serpong Jika anda berminat memesan paket Aqiqah, Hewan Qurban, Paket catering dll.. بسم الله الحمن الرحيم Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalamiin washshalaatu wassalaamu 'alaa rasuulillah wa 'alaa aalihi wa shahbihi ajma'iin. 'Amma ba'd Segala puji dan syukur kami persembahkan hanya kepada Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aalaa atas limpahan ni'mat dan karunia yang diberikan kepada kami sehingga dengannya kami dapat memulai usaha yang barakah ini in syaa Allah. Kami berharap dengan hadirnya blog ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah segenap kaum muslimin untuk mengamalkan sunnah Nabi nya shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam,berupa pelaksanaan ibadah aqiqah dan qurban. Sehingga kamipun berharap akan mendapatkan pahala karena membantu dan memudahkan kaum muslimin dalam melaksanakan ibadah yang mulia tersebut. Semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan barakahNya kepada kami sehingga kami bisa terus membantu dan memudahkan kaum muslimin dalam melaksanakan ibadah yg mulia ini. Dan semoga Allah selalu membantu kita semua untuk selalu meluruskan niat kita dalam setiap ibadah yang kita amalkan. Aamiin.
Wa shallallahu 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'aalamiin.
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Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

Pros and Cons of Flash-based Sites Flash-based sites have been a craze since the past few years, and as Macromedia compiles more and more great features into Flash, we can only predict there will be more and more flash sites around the Internet. However, Flash based sites have been disputed to be bloated and unnecessary. Where exactly do we draw the line? Here's a simple breakdown. The good: Interactivity Flash's Actionscript opens up a vast field of possibilities. Programmers and designers have used Flash to create interactve features ranging from very lively feedback forms to attractive Flash-based games. This whole new level of interactivity will always leave visitors coming back for more. A standardized site With Flash, you do not have to worry about cross-browser compatibility. No more woes over how a certain css code displays differently in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. When you position your site elements in Flash, they will always appear as they are as long as the user has Flash Player installed. Better expression through animation In Flash, one can make use of its animating features to convey a message in a much more efficient and effective way. Flash is a lightweight option for animation because it is vector based (and hence smaller file sizes) as opposed to real "movie files" that are raster based and hence much larger in size. The bad and the ugly: The Flash player People have to download the Flash player in advance before they can view Flash movies, so by using Flash your visitor range will decrease considerably because not everyone will be willing to download the Flash player just to view your site. You'll also have to put in additional work in redirecting the user to the Flash download page if he or she doesn't have the player installed. Site optimization If your content was presented in Flash, most search engines wouldn't be able to index your content. Hence, you will not be able to rank well in search engines and there will be less traffic heading to your site. Loading time Users have to wait longer than usual to load Flash content compared to regular text and images, and some visitors might just lose their patience and click the Back button. The longer your Flash takes to load, the more you risk losing visitors. The best way to go is to use Flash only when you absolutely need the interactivity and motion that comes with it. Otherwise, use a mixture of Flash and HTML or use pure text if your site is purely to present simple textual and graphical information. jasa animasi  jasa desain interior  jasa animasi  jasa desain kitchen set bogor  jasa desain interior bogor  jasa gambar 3d  jasa desain 3d interior  jasa desain interior apartemen  jasa pembuatan video animasi  jasa gambar 3d  jasa desain interior 3d rumah  jasa animasi  jasa desain rumah tinggal
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Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

The History Of Glass In Architecture Glass was discovered, seemingly by accident, nearly 4000 years ago and has since evolved into one of our most used and most revered materials. It was only 2000 years ago that the manufacturing of glass progressed to being able to create sheets strong enough to be used as windows and architectural features. Today glass is used in everything from revolving doors to skywalks and interior partitions and is one of our most striking architectural materials with a fascinating history. The Beginnings of Glass in Architecture When glass was first used in architecture and construction, the limitations of masonry and weaker building materials meant that its prominence was restricted to small windows. With developments in construction, this began to change and by the Medieval Era glass started to be used as more of a decorative feature than simply a way to let light in. The trend for tall, stone Gothic churches facilitated the use of elaborate glass windows made up from fragments of coloured glass and depicting striking biblical scenes. These windows related the stories of the bible to an illiterate populace and spurned the architectural trend of searching for transparency, luminosity and weightlessness through glass. The Next Big Step in Glass It wasnt until the 19th century that glass in architecture took its next significant step forward. Before this time, the manufacturing process itself restricted the use of glass to only small sheets, which is illustrated in the prominent use of cottage pane glass and intricately divided windows in 18th century architecture. The introduction of iron and other materials during this time meant that glass could take on a whole new role in architecture. Thanks to the materials now existing to hold it in place, coupled with the new ability to mass produce large sheets, the possibilities for the use of glass in construction became nearly limitless. Architects began to experiment with things like conservatories and entire walls of glass that were held together by high trussed steel arches and finger fixings. The Crystal Palace constructed in 1851 represents the most ambitious glass architectural projects of its time a construction made up of 300 000 sheets of glass. Jasa desain interior Jasa desain interior depok Jasa desain kitchen set Jasa desain rumah Jasa desain interior apartemen Jasa desain interior kantor Jasa pembuatan furniture Jasa gambar 3d Jasa desain 3d Jasa gambar imb Jasa desain interior Jasa desain interior depok Jasa desain kitchen set Jasa desain rumah Jasa desain interior apartemen Jasa desain interior kantor Jasa pembuatan furniture Jasa gambar 3d Jasa desain 3d Jasa gambar imb
 jasa animasi  jasa animasi  jasa animasi

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

Scene Image 3d Animation Review-SCAM! Perused This Before Buying! I purchased the Ilussion 3D Animation a couple of months prior and I should state I was glad and exceptionally happy with the product. I make a basic liveliness and as yet learning all alone. I say to myself that the product was helpful and extremely fun. I purchased the Illusion 3D Animation couple of months back at the cost of $52.67. It make astounding 3D representation, deliver your toon vivified film, draw and enliven 3D models, Design your own 3D amusement effortlessly, make continuous intuitive 3D content, making and render extraordinarily rich and practical common habitats. In the course of the most recent decade, this has developed as an in-house device for driving European activity studios. This is your opportunity to get your hands on an expert hello there end 3D creation program without paying an exorbitant price. I appreciate the element of this product like "Simplicity of Interface", "Propelled 3D Modeling", "3D Cartoon Animation", "Realtime 3D/Game Creation", "3D Editing and Compositing", "Upgraded 3D Rendering", "Complex 3D Shading", "Intelligent 3D Rigging",and ultimately the "Practical Physics and Particles". That is the thing that I adore with this product much. In light of this elements I purchased the item. Envision the amount I get the item and how might I make 3D movement for that. I was so content with the item so I prescribe it to my companion. All things considered, turns out that my companion found a coupon for the Ilussion Image 3D Animation that will cut the cost. I was insulted that I could have spared cash when I didn't I called the Illussion Image 3D Animation after what happen. For requital to the merchant, I found that very coupon and put it in this open article with the best arrangement since they now offer the guide how to do the 3D movements. Envision how far it is, I purchased with a higher cost than getting the coupon. I got just the installer yet with this coupon you pay less and you got the product plust the manual to begin with. jasa animasi  jasa animasi 3d  jasa pembuatan animasi  jasa video animasi

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Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Melayani jasa desain 3D, 3D model dan jasa pembuatan animasi 3D untuk project arsitektur, interior, produk, landscape dan mekanik. Dalam proses perencanaan suatu desain sangat dibutuhkan ilustrasi/visualisasi akhir suatu desain yang biasa kita kenal 3D render yang outputnya berupa image maupun animasi video/movie.
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Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

GARIS MAMO studio (Jasa desain arsitektur / jasa desain rumah tinggal, desain interior, furnitur, kitchen set dll) melayani Jasa desain interior dan gambar 3d di jabodetabek / bogor, jakarta, tanggerang, depok, sawangan, ciputat, cibinong, pamulang, pondok cabe, BSD dengan lingkup kerja antara lain ruang kerja, ruang tamu, kamar tidur anak, ruang keluarga, kitchen set-dapur, home theatre dll. desain minimalis, modern maupun klasik), desain interior apartemen,desain interior kantor, desain furnitur/mebel, desain arsitektur, jasa gambar 3d rendering/visual dan pembuatan animasi 3d untuk presentasi gambar 3d anda, yang dikerjakan bersama team yang ahli dan berpengalaman dibidangnya

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